Chomi Chat

Meet The Chommies


Hey girl! I’m Big Sis (pronouns: she/her), but you already know me. I just wanted to introduce you to all my chommies.

My chommies are my besties. We’ve been friends for ages now and we know each other really well. They’re so important to me because whenever I feel low, they know exactly how to pick me up again. Also, they’re super smart and they give great advice. Actually, we all give each other advice. Chommies, say hi to our little sis!

Meet Refilwe (pronouns: she/her):

Hey girl. You can call me Fifi, everyone does. Yho I heard my full name and I thought I was in trouble, lol! A bit about me, I’m an artist so I like finding creative ways to express myself. I love journalling, painting and dancing. I’m a motivated girl, so it’s hard to stop me when I’ve made up my mind to do something.

Meet Thato (pronouns: they/them):

What’s good little sis? I’m Thato. I like to remind the chommies that they should always do what’s best for them. Is that selfish? Nah, I call it smart. I don’t shy away from things just because of what other people might think. Who are they to judge anyway? I believe girls can achieve anything. I’m non-binary, and that means I know in my head and my heart that I’m not a girl or a boy. I’m Thato nje.

Meet Nandi (pronouns: she/her):

Hey girly! Nice to meet you. I’m Nandi but you can call me THE BOSS … lol, just kidding. I believe that when my chommies are feeling down, laughter is the best medicine. I love seeing my friends smile, but that doesn’t mean I can’t tell it like it is! I’m queer and I’m proud - and it’s the love and acceptance I got from my chommies that helped me get there.

Meet Lerato (pronouns: she/her):

Hi chomi! I’m Lerato. I wear my heart on my sleeve, which means I like to voice my feelings. I’m a huge fan of talking things through and I’m a great listener too! I like learning about the world because it’s so big and there’s always new things to see. I love hanging out with the chommies, and you bet that they’re always there for me!

Meet Ayanda (pronouns: she/her):

Hi sis, I hope you’re feeling well. I’m Ayanda. I like reading, writing and taking things slow. I believe self-care is super important, so I do my best to look after my mental wellbeing. If I’m feeling good, that means I can look after all the other chommies, too.

Meet Tshidi (pronouns: she/her):

Hey! Tshidi here. I have tons of self-confidence and I’ll share some with you if you need - trust me, there’s plenty here to go around. I actually learned to be confident because I have a disability, and I’ve learned to love it. Who else can say they have a metal leg? I’m like Iron woman over here! I don’t let it stop me from enjoying life to the fullest and I’m down for anything new. The chommies have to help me slow down sometimes. My motto? It’s what's inside that counts!

Sis, now that you’ve met all of us chommies, you’ve gotta remember one thing. We gotchu!

Chat soon,

Big Sis & the Chommies.