Big Sis, I’ve been trying to get my career off the ground, but I feel like I’m stuck. I see all these other chicks straight up owning the game, and I’m just here like, “How do I even get started (LOLs)?” Help!
Chomi, you’re not alone in feeling stuck. So many women have the same fear about not knowing which direction to go next - whether it's careerwise, or anything else important as a sista! It can feel lonely, chom - and scary with no guidance. But let me tell you something – the real power of growth lies within sisterhood. We are all meant to learn from each other, and then be guides to the next generation.
Imagine how dope it would be to have a sista who’s been through the grind showing you the ropes. That’s what mentorship through sisterhood is all about. And it doesn't have to be about your career. It can be for anything that life throws at you. How to deal with heartbreak, how to set boundaries, and how to navigate the ups and downs of being a woman in this world. The women in your circle have been there, and done that, and their stories and advice are the real tools you need to grow.
Sis, mentorship doesn’t always look like some big formal thing. It’s about the conversations we have with the women around us. You don't need to tell someone they are your mentor in order to learn from them. Think about your squad – your older cousin who’s had a side hustle forever, or your bestie who’s got a career she’s building one brick at a time. These women have lessons to share, even if they don’t realise it. Watching them as they grow is already planting the right seeds in you.
No one has everything figured out. Remember your mentor is still #LiterallyJustAGirl. So don't put too much pressure on her to be perfect. She might be further on the journey, but she is still learning as she goes along.
Sistahood is a two-way street. We can rely on each other, and it makes us stronger.
Don’t be afraid to reach out, gurrrl. If there’s someone you admire, hit them up! Ask them questions, listen to their experiences, and soak it all in babes.
It’s not about them doing the work for you – it’s about them guiding you, teaching you the lessons they’ve learned along the way.
And soon, you will be a mentor to a young sista looking to learn!
Big Sis